Friday, October 17, 2008

How to win in Exchange

How to gain market? That is the question that arises wise investor who does not consider the Exchange as a lottery but as a means of making your money.

To do this, big basically saying that there are two techniques, which are every two to a particular form of market analysis and especially the evolution of listed companies.

The first, called "fundamental analysis, research what are called the fundamentals of listed companies. The fundamentals, the figures of the company's capital, the income statements, all ratios equity / debt, net income / CA, capital / total number of outstanding shares on the market, etc.., So that We can draw financial analysis.

The second, called "analysis chart", although commonly called technical analysis when it is based primarily on the study of representations of changes in the price it wants to see what will happen to stock prices based on histories of these courses.

Today, given the rapidly changing global markets, the analysis chart is selected as effective for analyzing short and medium term, fundamental analysis to the long and very long term.

It is an effective technique: it allows for a maximum chance of upward or downward trend of an index, action, etc.

It is the only possibility for investing in "swing trading", ie who buys a title one day to be sold a few days later or, more reason for an investor in "day trading", so an investor who buys a share and sells the same day.

It is also the only reliable option to invest in selling this practice of selling first action to buy then, allowing money in a bear market. It is risky, absolutely inadvisable for beginners, but it relates when it is done!

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